Keio University
The Mission of Keio University
To be a constant source of honorable character and a paragon of intellect and morals and...make Keio a leader of society.
Yukichi Fukuzawa emphasized the importance of both honor and intellect in the pursuit of academic learning, and aspired to shape a personal character suitable of societal leaders. His legacy is embodied within the Mission of Keio University, which Fukuzawa left to his pupils just five years before his death.
“Keio University is not merely a place for academic pursuit. Its mission is to be a constant source of honorable character and a paragon of intellect and morals for the entire nation and for each member to apply this spirit to elucidate the essence of family, society, and nation. They will not only articulate this essence in words, but also demonstrate it in their actions, and by so doing make Keio a leader of society.”
It is now known as the truest purpose of Keio in its most concise form.
Over 160 Years of Tradition and Innovation
Established in 1858 by Yukichi Fukuzawa as a small school of Western learning, Keio has a history as Japan’s very first private institution of higher learning. Over 160 years since its founding, Keio has thrived under its founder’s motto of jitsugaku, or empirical science, as it continues to transform Japan as a modern nation through contributions to education, research, and medicine.
( 実学)
Jitsugaku is a way of learning about the world pursued by Keio University’s founder Yukichi Fukuzawa through the application of reason, observation, and verification, and it stemmed from his desire to break free of the Confucian ideals that informed scholarship in 19 th-century Japan. Jitsugaku is science in the truest sense of the word and a powerful tool in Keio University’s never-ending search for practical solutions to real-life problems.
"Independence and Self-Respect" Calligraphy by Yukichi Fukuzawa
Global Engagement
Keio University leverages its strengths as a comprehensive university to promote multidisciplinary research under the three initiatives of Longevity, Security, and Creativity. We are also cultivating individuals equipped with international mindsets and making contributions to solve both domestic and global challenges through international joint research under these three initiatives while developing various educational programs.
Global Partnerships
Keio University has concluded partnership agreements with over 300 universities and institutions of higher education worldwide, and is enhancing student exchange, academic exchange, and research collaboration activities. In order to give our students the opportunity to develop the skills and expertise necessary to become leaders of the global society, we offer 31 double degree programs with overseas universities, the most among Japanese universities (as of October 2021). We also offer about 1000 courses that are taught in English on our campuses. Furthermore, as a member of university consortiums such as the World Economic Forum's (WEF) Global University Leaders Forum (GULF), U 7+Alliance, Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), and ASEAN+ 3 UNet, we collaborate with overseas universities and actively carry out various activities as a university that contributes to the global and regional communities.
Keio University Campuses:
Mita Campus Minato-ku, Tokyo
Hiyoshi Campus Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Yagami Campus Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Shinanomachi Campus Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Shonan Fujisawa Campus Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Shiba Kyoritsu Campus Minato-ku, Tokyo
Affiliated Schools:
Affiliated Campuses:
Shin-Kawasaki Town Campus Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Tsuruoka Town Campus of Keio Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture
Urawa-Kyoritsu Campus Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture
Keio Osaka City Campus (Japanese only) Osaka City, Osaka
Keio Marunouchi City Campus (Japanese only) Chiyoda, Tokyo
Senior High Schools:
Keio Senior High School
Keio Shiki High School
Keio Girls Senior High School
Junior and Senior High Schools:
Keio Shonan Fujisawa Junior and Senior High School
Junior High Schools:
Keio Boys Junior High School (Futsubu)
Keio Junior High School (Chutobu)
Elementary Schools:
Keio Yochisha Elementary School
Keio Yokohama Elementary School
Other Related Organizations:
Keio Academy of New York Alumni Association
Keio University New York Mitakai (Japanese only)